Our 3 Core Principles

Our approach to retirement planning is built on three core principles: prioritize safety, expect a reasonable rate of return,** and keep your strategy simple. Contact us to learn how these values may help guide your retirement.

Retirement Income Strategies

Our 3 Core Principles

We believe that the three main components of a retirement income strategy are:

Safety first!

Look for a reasonable rate of return**

Keep it simple

These three traits are, in our opinion, essential to a successful retirement strategy.

Contact us to schedule a meeting to learn more about these three principles and how to achieve them. Or, attend one of our educational dinner seminars. We discuss factors that may impact your retirement and options that may help you when creating your strategy.

Safety First

Taking risks may have been easier back when you were still working. As retirement approaches (or arrives), however, things may change. If you have the time to wait, you can handle the fluctuations of the stock market. However, as you get older, you no longer have the benefit of time. You're going to need that money very soon. If you lose it because of a market drop after your retirement, you won't have time to recover the loss. This is why your strategy (in our opinion) must prioritize safety... We recommend making it your top priority. Potential growth follows safety. Fixed indexed annuities (FIAs) guarantee* lifetime income and protect your principal and interest. You may want to include it in your retirement strategy.

stock market graphic retirement income strategies
retirees meeting with financial advisor to discuss retirement income strategies

Reasonable Rate of Return**

Do you have to choose between protecting your money or earning a reasonable return?** Thankfully, you don't. You can get both of these benefits. Obtaining a reasonable rate of return** should be your next major priority. It's important to earn enough interest on your retirement savings over time to avoid running out of money and potentially having to go back to work in retirement. Certain annuities or life insurance products may be able to both protect your principal and provide reasonable returns.**

Keep It Simple

Retirement income strategies can be complicated. But, they don't have to be. Your strategy should protect your money, earn you a reasonable return,** and be simple to understand. You may be able to get all these benefits with one product. You deserve a strategy that inspires confidence, rather than having to spend your retirement monitoring your accounts and worrying about your investments. One way to accomplish this might be purchasing a fixed indexed annuity (FIA).

Instead of having to choose between them, strive for all three of these values. Thankfully, they are all attainable.

To learn more about annuities and other options that may help you, contact us. You can attend one of our educational seminars or meet with us one-on-one to discuss your needs. Contact us today!

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